Teaching & Pedagogy

Teaching Experience

  • Part-Time Faculty, Parsons School of Design, 2023 - current.

  • Teaching Assistant for courses in university lecture program, The New School, 2022-23.

  • Supervisor to undergraduate Data & Research Interns, Measure of America, 2022.

  • Youth and Adult Arts Instructor, Maude Kerns Art Center, 2020-21.

  • Supervisor to undergraduate Research Assistants, Center for Research on Gender in STEMM, 2019.

  • Junior Counselor Supervisor, Summer Enrichment Program at the University of Oregon, 2016-2017


As an educator, I value horizontality in the classroom. I am inspired by Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and bell hooks’ Teaching to Trangress. In these texts, the authors discuss the benefits of education that empowers students by flipping the traditional script of teacher-as-authority. Freire writes, “the teacher is no longer merely the-one-who-teaches, but one who is himself taught in dialogue with the students, who in turn while being taught also teach. They become jointly responsible for a process in which all grow” (Freire 1968, 80). In order to bring this philosophy to life, I lean into a horizontal classroom.

In my first class sessions, I open a conversation about this approach to teaching and together we set community guidelines. In future weeks, I often start class with a check-in to assess how everyone is doing outside the class, as people with complicated lives, obligations, and priorities outside of our time together.

As the course progresses, I aim to collect feedback and collaborate on the class structure. I use surveys and leave time in class to evaluate and improve the class environment and experience.

Finally, getting to know my students is essential to me. I develop one-on-one relationships with my students and aim to support and encourage their own interests and personal growth.

Feedback from Course Evaluations:

The Suburban Gothic, Spring 2023:

“Jordan was super effective and added a lot to the course.”

“I thought the whole thing was about Jordan lol. Yea no she's a total moment, and I like her approach to content. Its digestible, I also love all the new group activities she incorporated into the course.”

Additional respondents said Jordan was:

  • “encouraging and open minded”

  • “enthusiastic and understanding”

  • “deserved to be paid more”

87.5% of respondents strongly agreed:

  • The TA effectively led his/her section.

87.5% of respondents strongly agreed:

  • The TA was accessible and responsive through emails or in person.

Social Practice: Concepts and Contexts, Fall 2022:

Jordan was super helpful friendly and enthusiastic about the content, she was dedicating to facilitating a safe space environment for us students to have open discussions without being intimidated by the content.”

“Jordan was really great. I felt like she really helped foster a community environment within our class.”

100% of respondents strongly agreed:

  • The TA was accessible and responsive through emails or in person.

80% of respondents strongly agreed:

  • The TA contributed significantly to the educational value of the course

  • The TA effectively led his/her section.


The Honors Distinction (BA Thesis)


Guiding Principles