Maps of Gowanus

August 2021 - current

In my field work in Gowanus from 2021-2023, I have made a variety of maps of the region. Here are some examples of that work.

A hand-drawn map of NYC with emphasis on Gowanus and its surrounding area.

A map of Brooklyn with an emphasis on Gowanus and the Gowanus Neighborhood Plan rezoning with red lines.

A hand-drawn map of the Gowanus area with attention to locations of interest to my thesis work.

The next series of maps were created in R using the ggploty package, shape files from NYC Open Data, and 2020 Decennial Census data.

This map of Gowanus was made in R using ggplotly. The yellow line outlines Community Board 6.

The red line outlines the Neighborhood Tabulation Area.

This map shows just census tracts within Gowanus proper.

A creative re-envisioning of Gowanus using shapes from the land use map of the region.


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